V 3.29.0 (23.11.2016) - A graphical display of measured values (hydrographs) is now possible. - Shaft encoder OTT SE 200: settings for pulley have been added. - New sensor type added: Temperature-/humidity sensor OTT TRH/OTT TRO. - Measured values of a connected sensor can now be exported as txt.file. - Various other minor optimizations and bugfixes. V 3.28.0 (06.04.2016) Note: internal version in combination with the "OTT Data Logger Operating Program" (call via menu "Tools", function "OTT SDI-12 Interface"). - Optimized use of the "SDI-12 Listener Mode". - Display of transmission speed during a firmware update (via USB Converter). - Various bugfixes. V 3.27.0 (29.07.2015) - Calibration function for pressure probe OTT PLS-C has been added. - Communication via USB-interface has been optimized. - Various bugfixes. V 3.26.0 (30.03.2015) - Communication with connected datalogger has been optimized. - Firmware-Updates of connected sensors have been optimized. - Read-in of sensor identification has been optimized. - Foreign languages on the user surface have been complemented (in connection with OTT RLS radar sensors). - Various other minor optimizations and bugfixes. V 3.25.0 (13.11.2014) - New XML Parameter - Precision to set the precision of float (single). - New small form to determine on load of a binary pluvio2(s) calibration what kind of bin file it is. - Parameter to do an update via Bootloader of SDI Device (CBS only at the moment). - Improved XModem Update over dataloggers. - Show Firmware Version next to address in device tab. - Possibility to directly update a sensor that is already in update mode (C C C) with option in menu. - PLS-C calibration implemented. - CBS Updated. V 3.24.0 (17.06.2014) - Another type of sensor has been added: Pressure probe OTT PLS-C with conductivity sensor. Includes an assistant for comfortable calibration of the conductivity sensor. - User interface of the start window has been improved. - Onlinehelp has been added. Activate help via menu "?" or function key "F1". - If software is used together with an OTT netDL: ● the OTT netDL can now be conntected to the PC via USB cable; ● the software logs communication with the OTT netDL now in the main window. - Firmware update for OTT CBS bubble-in sensor has been optimized. - If the firmware update is run via an OTT datalogger -> longer timeout-periods. - Various other minor optimizations and bugfixes.