V 4.67.0 (2024-06-06) New - Webcam Images: Image can be saved and zoomed using context menu - WebUI: Binary configuration files are converted to XML for display - WebUI: Download buttons for Excel and MIS added to chart view below map - PseudoBinary B: Support also for random transmissions added (Meteosat and Iridium) Modified - Web UI Style: New color scheme activated - Web UI: In the sensor list alarm limits could only be edited when they were already existing. Now they can be created from scratch also. - SysAdmin: UI completely restructured Fixed - Server Live Protocol: Closing this form under full server load could cause an access violation - Dashboard: Time range parameter for line and bar chart was improved. Always current day displayed. - Messaging: If messaging thread was created, but neither SMTP server nor Twilio account were defined, the messaging thread was running with full CPU load V 4.62.1 (2024-03-13) New functions - WebServer: Option added so that "HTTPS" is enforced for browser access, but data loggers can continue to use "HTTP". - Meteosat data transmission: Added decoding of messages in "OTT DCP format". Revisions - Message Log: Deleting old files in the message log now happens in the background without blocking OTT Hydras 3. - Message Log: The registry key "OTTML_Keep_Messages_Days" can now be used to specify how many days messages are kept (typically 14). - Pseudo Binary D Format: "TX Data Content Last" and "... Individual" are now supported, as well as the attached battery voltage. Bugfixes - Authorisation management: In some cases, the server incorrectly issued the error message "403: Unauthorised", although the client had the authorisation to do so. - Notification: Sending e-mail/SMS no longer worked correctly on all OTT Hydras 3 instances that are not servers (occurred since version V 4.60). - Meteosat Datenübertragung: HTTP proxy settings were not available. - Meteosat Datenübertragung: Decoding of "Pseudo Binary C" and "... D" messages was not supported for Meteosat data transmissions. V 4.61.0.. 4.62.0 - Intenal versions; not published V 4.60.0 (2024-01-18) This update provides the following extensions and optimisations: New functions - Meteosat data transmission : Support for pseudo binary C and D formats - Iridium data transmission: Data reception via DirectIP. Support for SHEF, pseudo binary C and D formats - Export: Single and multi-column Excel export format available for export configuration and export job. - Virtual Table Sensors: This sensor type can now be created, edited and calculated on the Hydras 3 net windows client. - WebUI: The stations visible to each user can be defined in the user management (based on regions). IT security - WebUI Security: Sessions are bound to IP address to prevent session hijacking. - WebUI Security: Measures to prevent privilege escalation implemented. - WebUI Security: Dynamic anti CSRF tokens implemented for each transmission of data from the client to the server. - WebUI Security: Measures to prevent session riding implemented. - WebUI Security: Additional measures to prevent HTML injection implemented. - Web Server Security: Commands generated in the Web UI (e.g. firmware update) are additionally checked on the server for correct authorisation. - WebServer: Support for TLS 1.3 added. V 4.50.1 (2023-07-21) This update provides the following extensions and optimisations: Windows application - The web interface user management is also available on the OTT Hydras 3 client. - Access to the alarm archive is also available on the OTT Hydras 3 client. - Exporting data is also possible in OTT-ML format (manually and as an export job). - Enhanced support of OTT-ML format for Sutron XLink 100/500. Compatible with OTT netDL 500/1000. - "Mean" function for a virtual sensor added. Web interface - Enhanced data report types: "Wind rose", "Meteogram" and "Heatmap". - Derived values "Hourly Mean/Total" and "Daily Mean/Total" can now be displayed in the chart. - Rights management is now integrated into user management. - Dashboard panels can be refreshed automatically. - Download and upload of station configuration files are now possible. - "Live image" function: Images from all webcams of a station are displayed. Bugfixes - Creating a region locally in the OTT Hydras 3 net client for a remote workspace had no effect on the server workspace. - Multi-column export: the attribute column contained the value of the previous sensor column. - Import: Importing data files (MIS or raw data) via drag and drop in the chart window on the OTT Hydras 3 net Client did not work for a remote workspace. V 4.40.0 (2022-11-07) This update provides the following extensions and optimisations: - Audit Trail: Hydras 3 can automatically create a so-called audit trail in which important user actions are logged in encrypted form. - Automatic verification of redundant sensors - Image archive for webcam images: Hydras 3 net Server can archive the received images over a longer period of time and display a list of stored images for selection. - Check for availability of a new Hydras 3 version. Hydras 3 can check whether a new version is available for download. This check can be done manually or (optionally) automatically at each startup. - Configurable dashboards in the web interface - Embedding of dashboard panels in external web pages - Remote modification of Python Scripts in Sutron XLink 500 and SatLink 3 - Direct entry of command line commands: if only a simple sequence of command line commands is to be transmitted to the logger, it is possible to select an XLink/SatLink station in the station list in the configuration area, and execute the "Enter command(s)" menu item via the context menu. - Security improvements - based on the results of several penetration tests, the security of Hydras 3 net has been further improved. - Download of Meteosat Daten from the Eumetsat Server - Excel Export without OLE Automation - Further software optimisations and bugfixes V 4.30.0 - Internal version; not published V 4.22.0 (2022-05-05) This update provides the following extensions and optimisations: - Transmissions can now be disabled (by setting the transmission interval to 00:00:00; for OTT netDL FW ≥ 3.08.0 and OTT ecoLog 1000 ≥ 1.00.7). - OTT ML metadata: if metadata such as GSM signal strength or humidity are assigned to a sensor, the software now automatically creates the sensors if they are missing. - XLink support: on the OTT H3 Net Server, an XLink configuration file can be opened in an integrated editor that displays the configuration and the script. The configuration and/or script can be sent to XLink using the "UpdateConfiguration" command. - Stations and sensors in the workspace of a remote server can be deleted from the client. - All components of station/sensor configurations are transferred between client and server and vice versa whenever a station is created or modified. - Several new script functions have been added: GetLastValuesFromServer, GetExtremeValuesFromServer, IsRemoteWorkspace, ReplaceSymbol. - Graph window: can now be opened by pressing the Enter key when the sensor node is selected in the tree. - Channel view: individual channels can now be added to this view from the selection list. - Meteosat Download Job to automatically download data from the EumetSat web server. - Search dialog now supports searching for specific parameter types. - Further software optimisations and bugfixes V 4.10.2 ... 4.21.0 - Internal versions; not published V 4.10.1 (2021-06-24) This update provides the following extensions and optimisations: - Supports AutoImport on OTT Hydras 3 net clients for remote workspaces. - Supports creation/display of info data on OTT Hydras 3 net clients for remote workspaces. - Added SysAdmin web interface (/accountname/sysAdmin). Login with server name and licence key. - Supports FTPS server settings for OTT netDL and OTT ecoLog 1000 configurations. - SFTP support in script language - Further software optimisations and bugfixes V 4.05.0 ... 4.10.0 - Internal versions; not published V 4.04.0 (2020-08-10) This update provides the following extensions and optimisations: - "LinkComm" operating software can be called up for OTT ecoLog 1000 configurations directly from OTT Hydras 3 net and a changed configuration can be written back to create a OTT Hydras 3 net command: “update configuration” - Data of an OTT ecoLog 1000 can be read out locally via BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) - Battery voltage check adapted for OTT ecoLog 1000: current voltage - minimum voltage -> configurable voltage delta - A Station can be created now automatically during test transmission (configurable via registry entry "Net_Server_Create_Station_on_Test_Transmission") - Security improvements for the integrated OTT Hydras 3 net web server. No more access to files outside the "INetPub" file directory - Further software optimisations and bugfixes V 4.00.1 ... 4.03.0 - Internal versions; not published. V 4.00.0 (2019-09-24) This update* provides the following extensions and optimisations: - Supports OTT ecoLog 1000 groundwater data logger - Supports Sutron XLink 100/500 data logger - Webinterface available in HydrometCloud style (activation code required) - Download job for HydrometCloud available - Context sensitive HTML help available - Autoimport now optionally runs in the background - Optimized client data access to server data - Improved web server security (e.g. HTTP PUT requests are blocked) - Notification SMS can be sent by a Twilio account via the Internet - Further software optimisations and bugfixes * chargeable from all previous versions V 3.10.0 - Internal version; not published. V 3.08.0 (2018-04-05) This update* provides the following extensions and optimisations: - Alarm messages (based on the information on the status page) can be sent by E-Mail/SMS; - Extended multi-client capability: many settings which have been global before can now be adjusted individually for each workspace; - OTT Hydras 3 net Client now uses HTTP Proxy settings (if available); - Sutron Dataloggers (Xpert2; 9210B; 8310; 7310) can now transmit data in CSV format directly to the "TCP Socket" interface of OTT Hydras 3 net; - Automatic data retrieval from Adcon A850 Gateways per download job is now possible; - It is now possible to edit data, to transfer raw data, to import and calculate virual sensors with OTT Hydras 3 net Clients and a remote workspace; - OTT Hydras 3 net Server can be installed and used directly as Microsoft Windows system service (Run as Service), no further external tools are required; - OTT-ML data received via HTTP(S) can be forwareded via HTTP(S) to an other (OTT Hydras 3 net) server or can be exported directly; - Updated security concept; - Certificates can be used directly from the Microsoft Windows Certificate Storage (without importing a certificate file); - Data retrieval (polling) is now also possible by HTTP(S) (manually or by a polling-job): - Various minor software optimisations and bugfixes * free from Version V 3.xx.x; chargeable from Version 2.xx.x V 3.00.2 ... 3.07.0 - Internal versions; not published. V 3.00.1 (2016-06-09) - Internal processing of commands in OTT-ML format has been optimised - Various bugfixes V 3.00.0 (2016-04-18) Update is chargeable! - OTT Hydras 3 net functionality implemented - Online map based on Open Street Map - Data in OTT-ML format can now also be read out via USB / RS-232 / modem - During the active auto import, OTT Hydras 3 can still be operated - Stations in OTT Hydras 3 can be created directly out of the OTT Data Logger Operating Program - Integrated web server supports HTTPS - Manages up to 30 level reference points (previously max. 5) - Various script commands added or expanded V 2.91.0 (2013-08-05) This version can be downloaded from "www.ott.com/misc/Setup_Hydras3_V2910_EN.exe" - USB communication with OTT netDL (manual) - IP communication with OTT netDL (manual and automatic) - Option to activate an integrated OPC DA 2.0 Server (this option has to be bought separately. Please contact OTT Hydromet or your OTT dealer for technical details and price). - Automatic scaling of graphs - SMTP transmission is now also possible with TLS/SSL authentication (e.g. GMail, Hotmail) - Selectable options for EXCEL export - Options for maps are shown directly beside the map - Relevance of data can be visualized in the map - Sum lines for multi-graphics available - ZRXP export with REXCHANGE ID - AutoImport of OTT-ML files (*.oml) - Automatic poll has been upgraded - Extensions in script language (Hydras 3 pro) - Database adjustments (longer paths possible) - Various bugfixes